Rubber Rolls Flooring

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Application Areas

Product Features

Rubber rolls have good shock absorption if one falls. They are durable , perfect for high traffic areas and large spaces that see a lot of activity. Rolled rubber flooring offers an elegant seamless appearance (when installed correctly, it is nearly impossible to see where one roll ends and another begins) and can perfectly complement the theme of the sports facility. Most rubber rolls come with a black base and color flecks, but you can choose from a variety of designer options for a more unique and trendy appearance. . They’re available in different thicknesses to better suit different needs and requirements – thin rubber rolls can hold up to bodyweight exercises, medium thickness is great for universal gyms, and thicker rolls are perfect for CrossFit, powerlifting, and other high impact activities. Rubber floor rolls are large and heavy and typically need a glue or tape-down installation to create a safe workout surface. They create a more permanent flooring option than rubber tiles.


● Long-lasting ,affordable and easy to install

● Rubber tiles are very durable and extremely resilient and fit to any space.

● Provides good grip ,withstands heavy load and high impact activity and feels soft and comfortable underfoot

● Offer superb cushioning and shock absorption and Available in variety of texture and colour

● Ultra-durable and suitable for high impact activities

● Easier installation in large spaces (a large area can be completely covered with just a couple of rolls);

● Secure fit (the glued-down flooring system is locked in place)

● Seamless appearance

● Greater water resistance

Product Information


● Rubber floors can withstand a high volume of foot traffic and they are also water resistant so they won’t be damaged by moisture or spills.

● To Protect surface from wear and damage

● To Provide protective cover for surface beneath..

● To prevent slip and fall accidents.

● To provide a smooth ,clean ,impervious floor.

● Rubber flooring is a popular waterproof basement flooring option area where lots of flooding happens.

● The roll of Rubber flooring is naturally abrasion resistant ,flexible and elastic.


● Home and portable gym flooring.

● Small fitness studio.

● DIY installations.

● Parks and school.

● Daycares and skateboard parks.

● Residential and commercial playground

● Rubber tiles are versatile flooring option for many areas of any home or business

● Outdoor spaces.

● Fitness centre and weight rooms

● Boat and ship flooring.

● Also applicable in large spaces.

Technical Information


  1. When you install rubber rolls you have 3 options:

● Loose lay

● Tape the perimeter

● Full glue down

  1. Loose lay method

● Loose laying your rubber rolls is exactly how it sounds - no glue, no tape, simply roll the flooring into place and you’re done. We do recommend placing some equipment near the ends to help the rolls from curling up, but for the most part, rolls at least ⅜” thick can stay in place in a commercial gym with no adhesives.

● Gym owners love the portability of loose laid floors. Ever been to a gym that moved locations? If you glue your floor down, you have to start completely from scratch when you move. Loose laying your rubber gym flooring gives you the option to take it with you wherever you go.

  1. Tape perimeter

● Clean your sub floor so that it is free of all dust, dirt, grease or other foreign material.

● Loose lay out the rolls in the room as you would like them to look after a complete installation. (The rolls can be directional so make sure the color matches on each roll. If the colors do not appear to match, flip them or turn them 180 degrees to ensure color matches.

● Make any necessary cuts to the rolls to fit them into the room using a straightedge and a Utility Knife with a fresh blade. We recommend leaving a gap around the rolls roughly the thickness of the rolls being used to account for expansion and contraction.

● Apply double sided tape to the perimeter of each roll.

● Place rubber rolls back into position on top of the double sided tape.

  1. Full Glue Down.

● Clean your sub floor so that it is free of all dust, dirt, grease or other foreign material. Also when gluing your flooring down, it is recommended that the sub floor is free of any moisture.

● Loose lay out the rolls in the room as you would like them to look after a complete installation. (The rolls can be directional so make sure the color matches on each roll. If the colors do not appear to match, flip them or turn them 180 degrees to ensure color matches.

● Make any necessary cuts to the rolls to fit them into the room using a straightedge and a Utility Knife with a fresh blade. We recommend leaving a gap around the rolls roughly the thickness of the rolls being used to account for expansion and contraction.

● Roll up the rolls at one end of the room. Put down a 10 foot long light layer of adhesive and unroll 10 feet of the flooring into the adhesive at a time. Repeat this step for every 10 feet of roll length until the entire roll has been unrolled into its desired position.

● After all rolls have been glued down, it is often recommended to use a 100 pound roller on the floor in order to guarantee good adherence to the subfloor. If a roller is not available, walking on the flooring in small choppy steps to ensure every spot of flooring has been walked on can also work.


● Tape Measure

● Plastic connector pins

● Rubber mallet

● Utility knife

● Straight edge (e.g., ruler, carpenter’s square)

● Chalk

● Rubber tiles

● Tile cutters

● Trowels

● Mat mover

● Polyurethane adhesive

● Seam sealer

Maintenance and Warranty


⮚ Thoroughly sweep or vacuum the floor to remove all loose dirt, dust and debris.

⮚ Apply a neutral cleaner to the floor with a mop (or automatic floor scrubber). Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

⮚ Use a Wet Vac or mop to remove the cleaning solution.

⮚ Rinse the floor with clean, cold water. Remove all water with wet vac or mop.

⮚ Allow the rubber floor to dry thoroughly.

⮚ Sweep, dust, or vacuum, your floor daily if needed.


⮚ Never use a wax polish.

⮚ Never use an abrasive scrubbing tool on your floor. This can cause scratches and harm your flooring.

⮚ Never use a beater bar when vacuuming. This can cause damage to the floor surface.

⮚ DO NOT Use any oil-based detergents, wax cleaners, or sealants.

⮚ DO NOT Use agents that contain any dyes.

⮚ DO NOT Use steel wool pads, because the loose steel particles may cause rust stains in the grout.

⮚ Do not use gasoline, turpentine or acetone for spot removal.

WARRANTY:1 Year For Colour fade.


STEP 1: Measure the area of the room. Use the tape measure to measure the length and then the width of the room , Making a note of measurements.

STEP 2: Calculate the square footage.

Step 3: Calculate amount of flooring needed.



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Maintenance Video