Slate Stone Flooring

Product Image

Application Areas

Product Features

- Slate Stone is a sedimentary stone composed of shale and quartz which naturally forms into thin horizontal layers. By expertly striking the rock to break it and separate the layers, quarries can create generally smooth and uniquely textured tiles from the stone. The rustic natural look of the stone makes it a favorite for outdoor tile ,entryways, sunrooms, patios and kitchens, and paver applications, and the textured surface also makes it suited for areas such as pool decks, kitchens, or entryways where water may create a slip hazard.


● Adds real estate value

● Hard and durable

● Good appearance

● Chemical resistance

● Stain resistance

● Unique and attractive material

● Good strength and withstand high temperature.

● These are natural and eco-friendly.

● Extremely durable

● It can withstand heavy load.

● Easy to maintain & easy to clean.

Product Information


● To provide a smooth and durable floor.

● To provide Non-slippery floor.

● To provide a neat ,clean and pleasing appearance.

● Enhance the beauty of the floor and add significant value to your home.


⮚ Slate flooring used for exterior flooring applications

⮚ It can be used for outdoor tile ,entryways, sunrooms, patios and kitchens, and paver applications,

⮚ Living room and kitchen

⮚ Porch and external cladding

⮚ Lobbies and balcony

Technical Information


  1. Step 1 – Prepare the Surface

Before installing the tiles, the floor should then be cleaned using a special cleaner specifically designed for that type of subfloor. Follow the instructions that come with the cleaning product for further advice.

The surface will then need to be perfectly level. To achieve this, you can purchase a compound which levels by itself. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get the best results. This compound will need to thoroughly cover the subfloor. It will then need to be spread over the surface evenly and then left to dry for approximately 24 hours.

  1. Step 2 – Find the Center of the Room

You will need to find the exact center of the room as this will act as a reference point when you start laying the tiles. To do this, run lines diagonally across the room from opposite corners to form a cross. The point where the lines meet will mark the center of the room. Mark two more lines passing through the cross and connect the centers of the opposite walls. If your room is not a four-sided shape, then work with each section separately.

  1. Step 3 – Determine the Layout of the slate Tiles

Take extra care to determine the exact layout of the tiles because there is no going back at a later time. To do this, place a row of tile along each line and find the best position for the layout. You should design the layout so that it uses as many uncut tiles as possible. Mark the determined positions using the chalk.

  1. Step 4 – Placing the Slate Tiles

Mix the mortar as directed by the manufacturer’s instructions. Start from the center of the room with a patch of mortar roughly four foot square. Apply the mortar evenly using a trowel held at a 45 degree angle. Place the tiles onto this surface, twisting them slightly as you press them down to get a better grip. Use two tile spacers in each gap between tiles to ensure that the gaps are kept in accurately equal width. For tiles which are not completely level, tap them in place with a rubber mallet. Continue to use a spirit level over every three or four tiles that you lay to ensure that the surface is even. Some tiles will also need to be cut so that they fit at the edges of the room. Use a special tile cutter to do this.

  1. Step 5 – Sealing and Grouting the Slate Tiles

When the tiles have been left overnight to set, place a layer of sealant over the surface. This needs to be evenly applied over the tiled area. Two hours after, apply grout between the tiles and remove the tile spacers. Allow this to dry before giving the surface a final clean. The surface should be allowed a couple of weeks to fully set.


⮚ Notched Trowels

⮚ Screwdriver

⮚ Hammer

⮚ Floor leveling compound

⮚ Spackling compound

⮚ 1/2-inch cement fiberboard

⮚ Straightedge tool

⮚ Utility knife

⮚ Thinset mortar

⮚ Notched trowel

⮚ Carpenter’s level

⮚ Fiberglass mesh tape

⮚ Chalk line

⮚ Carpenter’s angle

⮚ Spacers

⮚ Wet saw with diamond blade

⮚ Grout

⮚ Grout float

⮚ Sponge

⮚ Soft cloth

⮚ Sealer

Maintenance and Warranty



⮚ Sweep, dust, or vacuum, your floor daily if needed.

⮚ After installation, apply tile and grout sealer in order to maintain your tiled surfaces..

⮚ DO place a small rug or mat at entryways to trap dirt and sand from normal foot traffic.

⮚ DO dust countertops, islands, vanities and floors frequently.

⮚ DO blot up spills immediately to minimize permanent damage to the stone.

⮚ Sealer friendly material should be used for regular cleaning


⮚ Avoid using steel wool, scouring powders, or other abrasives

⮚ Don’t use bleach or ammonia-based cleaners

⮚ Do not clean marble with oil-based cleaners

⮚ Don’t let spills sit, try to clean up spills as quickly as possible

⮚ Don’t use bleach or any acidic solutions to clean your granite floor

⮚ Don’t use harsh scouring pads or steel wool. They may scratch and damage the surface of the Sandstone.

WARRANTY: 1 year for colour fade.



STEP 1: Measure the area of the room. Use the tape measure to measure the length and then the width of the room , Making a note of measurements.

STEP 2: Calculate the square footage.

Step 3: Calculate amount of flooring needed.


Shade Card Available on Request

Maintenance Video

Installation Video